Concept and Art direction for The Vertbois Collective, Neighbourhood as Epicentre of Creativity. 

It’s like an island in the very heart of Paris. Though ideally located in between République and Arts & Métiers, the zone seems abandoned by tourists and Parisians. The iron curtains down give to the neighbourhood the looks of a ghost town. More than one shop out of two are closed, the streets are deserted. In 2017, we got on board with the Vertbois Collective, owner of most of the shops, to accompany them through their mission : bring the neighbourhood back to life.

Our mission consists in bringing the neighbourhood back to life by creating the tools that will allow it to communicate and attract the fitting brands and businesses. To insufflate a new energy into it in order to make it become a place of haute-creation : “Vertbois : The Place to Get Inspired”. We aim to find that cultural and visual effervescence that used to animate the Marais back and translate this positioning into a strong identity.

The identity we developed doesn’t come from nowhere. It’s based on elements existing in the neighbourhood and reinterpreted to incarnate its ambition. «Vertbois», is a name that defines us, locates us, and identifies us. First of all because it’s the name of the main street of the neighbourhood, and also because it evokes the green wood, hence life, renewal, and future. The visual identity mixes the roots of the neighbourhood to its ambition by marrying authenticity and modernity both in colors and fonts. The visual principles express the geographical reality of Vertbois, like the inclination of the texts, based on the map of the area.

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The inclination of the texts, based on the map of the area.
VERTBOIS : -17° south (clockwise)
NOTRE DAME DE NAZARETH : -11,5° south (clockwise)
VOLTA, MONTGOLFIER et VAUCANSON : 65° north (anti-clockwise)

Graphic Studio Guidelines : MyNameIs Studio